Sunday, February 13, 2011

Emmanuel Baptist Church

You know, it just blows me away how God works. I am practicing my speech in front of the mirror and microwave (it has a timer) and I would stutter and stumble. Yet, Linda prayed before we went into the church and I felt a sense of calm come over me. I went up the pulpit in front of about 150 people and did not stumble at all. It went very well. The church had a love offering this morning and will have another offering next Sunday for us. After the service, about 15 people came up to us, asking questions, giving support and stories. We met two families who are willing to become foster homes for a pregnant women, we met a woman who runs a second hand store in Dashwood and is willing to donate baby items. We met a woman who had a baby boy at the age of 16 in 1971 and was sent to a home for unwed mothers. She said that she had to wear wigs and disguises to hide her 'shame'. Even after 40 years, she was starting to cry while telling her story. We met a mother whose daughter runs a very successful program teaching absentince and loving yourself. I am sure that we can use her as a resource for the young mom's group in Goderich and later on in Clinton.
We handed out a number of 'cards' and people wanting to keep in touch with us.
It was an amazing experience and I am glad we did it. Thanks everyone for your support!

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