Thursday, June 16, 2011

Baby bottles and more baby bottles

Well, Father's Day is coming up quickly. The end of our baby bottle campaign.

I met with Joyce from Woodstock Beginnings asking for ideas on how what their routine is for counting the money received.
She gave me a form they use....I will try to duplicate and make one for us.
Basically, she advised me to try to keep each location of the bottles seperate. This is done for two reasons...1. You can then place a thank you announcement in their bulletin with an exact amount they donated and 2. This gives you a better idea on which location would be most receptive next year.
They count each bottle seperately, place the pertinent information on their form, such as name, address, cash total, cheque total etc.
Once all the bottles have been counted and the forms filled out.....I would place all that information on an Excel spreadsheet and give to Willy Van Dorp from Clinton CRC.
We should go to the bank with all our coin rolls and change into large dollar bills....That way Willy can fill out the deposit slip much easier.
I know it may seem a lot of work to some of you. But this does not have to be done in one day or one evening. This could be good for passing the hours while you are donating time in the Room.
It will work, and the rewards will be great. I hope the enthusiasm is still there from all of you to complete this. is only once a year.
Blessings to each of you. If you have any questions, concerns, ideas please place a comment on the site. Thanks everyone

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